Donation for the Japanese Suzuki families and teachers

By 18/03/2011Black Board

Please help the earthquakes and tsunami victims.

Mitsuko Kawakami from the “Suzuki Method Head Office in Matsumoto” reports about the situation in Japan:
We are very sad that so many people who live in north lost their lives, loved ones and houses by the terrible tsunami.
The Suzuki teachers and most of the families were safe; however, we do hope that they did not suffer any damage to their houses. Since we cannot contact some families who live near the coast in north, we are very worried about them and pray they are alright. The earthquakes were the worst one in our history.

We are also very worried about the risk of meltdown of our nuclear plants. We really hope that they are brought under control as quickly and safely as possible and hope that it will not affect the people.

We would appreciate it if you would transfer contributions to the following TERI bank account. (TERI = Talent Education Research Institute, Japan)

This account has been specifically opened for the funds. The funds will be contributed not only to the Suzuki families, but also to the general relief efforts.

Name of the account: Saino Kyoiku kenkyukai (Tel: +81-263-32-7171).

Bank a/c Name: ordinary account.

Bank a/c Number: 0544100.

Bank & Branch Name: Risona Bank, Matsumoto Branch.

Bank phone Number: +81-263-32-3456.

Branch Identifier: 654.

Bank Address: 2-5-6 Chuo Matsumoto-shi, Nagano-ken 390-0911 Japan.

Swift Code: DIWAJPJT.

* “Saino Kyoiku Kenkyukai” is a Japanese name of Talent Education Research Institute.

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