Suzuki Teacher Training for Violin

The German Suzuki Institute (DSI = Deutsches Suzuki Institut) was founded in 1983 and is responsible for conducting teacher training programs.
The training incorporates the approaches of Shinichi Suzuki, Paul Rolland, Mimi Zweig, and Kerstin Wartberg.

Here you find some information about our TEACHER TRAINERS.

The DSI* teacher training courses follow the guidelines set by the German Suzuki Association and offer recognised training courses for string teachers in Germany. In order to take the examinations, all teacher trainees must complete the DSI training syllabus and pass the examination at each level. Each level examination passed will be registered by the German Suzuki Institute and the International Music Teachers Exchange.


Excerpt from the Teacher Training and Examination Manual

1. Individual study of the instrument, focusing on the technique, tone production and quality of sound needed to teach young children.
2. Step by step mastery of teaching points in the repertoire.
3. Structure of individual and group lessons.
4. Observation of group and individual lessons.
5. Supervised teaching of children.
6. Lectures and discussions on child development, with particular regard to the parent/child relationship.

How are courses taught?

The DSI teacher training course is a part-time, long-term course held throughout each year in various places of Germany.
The training is available to musicians who wish to develop their teaching skills and undertake the rewarding career of teaching music to young children.

* The DSI is a subdivision of the German Suzuki Association and could be called as well Teacher Training Department of the German Suzuki Association.

What will I learn on the course?

Trainees learn how to implement this special approach to music education while developing numerous aspects of their own playing and teaching.
The teachers are specially trained to work with children starting from the age of three or four, and learn how to foster all aspects of a childs musical growth with a positive and supportive approach and a greater understanding of the need for music in the child’s life.
Trainees develop their own performance ability in musical memory, tone production, technique and musicianship, and gain the confidence to instil these skills in all their students. With great emphasis placed on observation of other teachers and practice teaching at every level, trainees have the invaluable opportunity to learn from those who have had many years of experience and can therefore provide constructive feedback on each trainees’ teaching skills.

Violin Course Preparation

The course director will advise candidates what they should prepare for their first course.
Before the initial course, trainees should:

• Familiarise themselves with the first books/CDs of the Suzuki Violin School (Revised Edition).
• Read and ponder the implications of Suzukis book Nurtured by Love.

• Familiarise themselves with the first Step-by-Step-books and CDs (Author: Kerstin Wartberg, published by Alfred).
• Study all necessary books, music and recordings as advised by the teacher trainer.



For a prospectus and further information please contact the German Suzuki Office by

phone: +49 – (0)2241-28946 or

Information about the violin teacher training course:

Note concerning the name Suzuki

In Germany the name Suzuki in the music education sector is no longer protected by trademark law and may be freely used by ANYONE.
This was decided by the Federal Patent Court on 2nd July 2013.
Contrary reports are invalidated by this supreme court decision, which can no longer be challenged.
Further information is available